Words for Walking Boots

Johanna Naomi
2 min readSep 27, 2019
Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

the sun like spun silk
hangs loose in the sky
above a vast empty world
sewn by hands of strangers

she goes for a stroll
in clouds of cotton
the wind is her veil
her hair made of whispering weeds
her path paved with daisies
cashmere and regret

day breaks lightly
wrapping her in sleepy blue songs
like velvet for nightingales

she embraces the earth
in clothes like dusk
life can best be tasted
in a t-shirt and jeans

yet sometimes she dreams
of wearing an ephemeral gown
the color of an Arizona sunset

and she wants to travel the universe
dancing into every room
floating on stories
daring to scream at the top of her lungs

one size does not fit all

she never wants to be confined
in a world that tries to define
a woman
by the shape of her body
rather than the contours of her mind



Johanna Naomi

Mom, dreamer, music lover, pluviophile. Rising from the ashes a little more every day 🌻POM Poet🌻